If you’re a regular vaper, you might wonder whether the sweet fruity or dessert juices that you inhale can increase your weight.
Vaping forums that have been flooded with such thoughts and numerous people have inquired about the calorie content of vape pens.
A number of mouthwatering flavors can have a very sweet aftertaste. Do they actually have calories that can add to your daily calorie intake?
Let's break down everything that is used to make e-liquid and find out whether vaping can actually add to weight gain!
Do Vapes Have Calories?
Vapes do contain calories but the amount varies amongst e-liquids. Determining the effect on weight requires an understanding of these variations.
It's important to think about how many calories we really consume when vaping, which is a different process from eating or drinking, in addition to the fact that calories are present.
The two main ingredients in vape juice, vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), each have about 4 calories per gram. There are very few or no calories from flavorings.
How much calorie is in e-liquid is highly dependent on the manufacturer's choice of sweeteners.
When sugar is added to e-liquids, the calorie count is much higher than when artificial sweeteners are used. Sugar-free vape juices with artificial sweeteners can have lower calories.
Using artificial sweeteners helps protect your teeth and reduces staining. While consuming calories through food or drink is one thing, vaping's effect on total calorie intake is another.
Do Vape Calories Affect the Body Like Food?
When vaping you do not absorb calories similar to when eating or drinking. That is unless you're ingesting e-liquid, which is a strict no!
It is still difficult to determine whether vaping causes calories to be absorbed through the lungs. It's possible that no calories are absorbed but it is still hard to tell as not many studies cover this phenomenon.
One milliliter of e-liquid has about five calories, according to estimates. For example, if these estimates are accurate, a 30 ml bottle of e-liquid might contain about 150 calories.
Even if you could consume calories while vaping, it would probably be insignificant considering how long it takes most users to finish a bottle.
In comparison, a can of soda contains approximately the same number of calories as a 30ml bottle of e-liquid. But vaping a thirty-milliliter bottle usually takes days, weeks, or even longer.
If there are calories absorbed through vapor inhalation, they would be so small that it will be negligible as calorie intake.
There aren't many calories in a vape puff. A single puff may contain as little as 0.05 calories, given that there are approximately 100 puffs per milliliter and 5 calories per milliliter.
Effects of Nicotine and Metabolism

Nicotine, a stimulant commonly found in tobacco and many e-cigarettes, has a significant impact on appetite.
According to research, nicotine may affect appetite in two ways: it may suppress appetite while also having the ability to speed up metabolism.
Nicotine releases a number of neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which can lessen feelings of hunger and induce a sense of satisfaction.
Because of this effect, some people use cigarettes or e-cigarettes to help control their food intake and in turn weight.
It's crucial to remember that while nicotine may suppress appetite temporarily, different people may experience different long-term effects. While some may not notice a noticeable difference, others may experience decreased appetite.
Nicotine can impact weight management through its metabolic effects, like speeding up metabolism.
Understanding these details is important because it shows how nicotine can affect hunger and metabolism differently in various people, and how these factors might interact.
Effects of Vaping And Weight Gain
Since e-cigarettes don't contain tobacco, they won't help you lose weight, and the few calories they do contain can be burned off quickly by walking.
The stimulant found in e-cigarettes, nicotine, has the ability to suppress appetite or increase metabolism. Even though e-liquid has few calories, people who switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping frequently feel more hungry.
Nicotine is the cause of the possible increase in weight. It is possible that switching from cigarettes to vape liquid will increase appetite, which would explain why people who stop smoking frequently experience hunger.
Choosing liquids with lower nicotine content can boost appetite and lower heart rate in people trying to wean themselves off of nicotine.
Unintentional weight gain may happen if vaping is used as a strategy to lessen nicotine dependence.
Vaping and Blood Sugar Levels
Vape juice has very low sugar levels, which minimizes the chance of blood sugar spikes during vaping, despite the sweet taste. Even though there are fewer calories in a vape than in a meal, vapers are 20% more likely than non-users to have elevated blood sugar.
Many vapes contain nicotine, which has been related to an increase in insulin resistance. When it comes to vaping, diabetics should choose vape juices without nicotine. It is advised to stop using vaporizers if a blood sugar spike is noticed after using one.
The Risks of Subpar Vapes
The real worry should be about the risks connected to subpar e-liquids from unidentified vape brands, not just the number of calories. To cut costs, these unknown companies might use unproven and potentially dangerous ingredients, jeopardizing consumer safety.
Because they are purely focused on making money, dishonest vape manufacturers may not exercise proper oversight or pay attention to potential health risks in their e-liquids. Because of this carelessness, dangerous chemicals and additives are present in e-juices.
Buying vape products from reputable companies is advised to ensure safety. Reputable businesses follow tight guidelines without taking any shortcuts and put their e-liquids through extensive laboratory testing to ensure purity and safety. Choosing a premium brand ensures that your vape has exactly what is advertised.
To save a few bucks, avoid putting your health at risk by using subpar vape products. Put your health first.
Pros and Cons of Vaping
Pros | Cons |
Vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes because e-cigarette vapor has fewer toxic chemicals than cigarette smoke. |
While less harmful, vaping still carries health risks like lung irritation and an increased cancer risk.
Quitting smoking by vaping can satisfy nicotine cravings for many people. |
Vaping can lead to addiction as nicotine, present in e-cigarettes, is highly addictive, potentially causing long-term use.
Vaping is more cost-effective than smoking cigarettes, offering savings with refillable e-liquid tanks and reusable coils.
Based on the available evidence, it seems unlikely. The average e-liquid bottle has around 30-50 calories, which you'd probably burn by just being active during the day, avoiding weight gain.
If you're keeping an eye on your weight, vaping doesn't contribute many calories, nor does it burn a significant amount.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many calories in a 2ml vape?
A 2 ml vape has approximately 10 calories.
Do vapes have sugar?
Vape juice and e-liquids are generally sweetened using sucralose and/or ethyl maltol.