how many hits of a cart to green out

How Many Hits of a Cart to Green Out? - Learn To Stay in Control

1-2 hits for beginners, 3-4 for moderate, and 4-10+ for heavy vapers. That’s how many hits of a vape cart it takes for vapers to green out. 

This varies based on many factors. 

For instance: 

  • Your tolerance
  • Cannabis quantity 
  • Puffing style

A report in 2018 highlights that– 

  • 7.1% of 3,068 e-cig users tend to vape marijuana! [Source: Pubmed

This shows the prevalence of cannabis vaping among people. It also means the possibility of a "green out" happening.

So what is it? 

In the world of e-cigarettes, particularly where cannabis exists, you never want to green out. 

This indicates the worst feeling you encounter after an overdose of THC vaping. Be it dizzy, anxious, vomiting, or rapid heartbeat. Greening out gives a GREEN signal to all these troubles. 

Want to WEED out the bad? Ensure you’re vaping it properly and responsibly!

That way, you can enjoy staying high without the chemicals taking you low!

Relatable Read: How Many Packs Of Cigarettes Are In A Vape?

The Concept Of Greening Out

Greening Out

Adverse effects of a cannabis product. 

This is something you don’t want to feel while you’re high.

Greening out is an uncomfortable experience you have after vaping too much cannabis within a short period. This happens when the THC level is high in the concentrates. 

It lasts a few minutes to hours depending on some factors. 

What’s THC?

The main guilty party.

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive cannabinoid compound. This is what causes the “HIGH” sensation. Typically, a hit can range from 2 to 5 mg of THC. 

After you smoke it out, the chemical brings several positive effects like–

  • Ecstasy
  • Excitement
  • Relief 
  • Lightheadedness
  • Euphoria 

Now you may ask: how many hits of a cart are to be high?

If it’s moderate THC, then 5-7 hits of cart for heavy and 1-3 hits for beginners will be enough to be high. 

That said, cannabis overdoses can make you go through several side effects. 

Taking high-potency THC after 2+ hits for beginners, 3+ hits for light, and 4+ hits for heavy vapers in a short time can lead to greening out.

Learn More About Edibles Vs. Vape Here!

Cannabinoids and Their Potency

Some cannabis chemicals are more psychoactive than others. It varies based on unique molecular structure and vapers. 

Here’s a little overview of some common cannabis products:

Delta 9 THC

The primary active cannabinoid in cannabis. The fresh plants may have up to 90% of Delta 9. It generally gets you higher than most popular hemp derivatives.

Delta 8 THC

It’s about half as intoxicating as Delta 9 THC. The sativa plant may have around 35-50% of Delta 8. 


A manmade cannabinoid. Roughly 70-80% as potent as Delta 9.


A natural cannabinoid with little to no psychoactive effects. Mildly intoxicating with a very high dose. So you’ll need more than a few hits.


A product of Delta 9 THC oxidation. Its potency is 10-fold lower than pure Delta 9 THC. Very mildly intoxicating. So, you’d need to consume a massive amount.


A chemical derived from the hemp plant. It has no psychoactive properties.

Signs Of Greening Out 

Here’s what may happen if you green out!

Physical Symptoms

Mental Symptoms







Rapid heartbeat

Mood swings





Mobility loss


How Do THC Vape Carts Affect Your Health?

Consuming cannabis vape carts means inhaling. 

You drag the THC-infused cloud into your lungs. This results in respiratory issues. Multiple studies have already stressed the changes that vaping such chemicals could cause. 

Some are— 

  • Increased airway resistance
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Lung damage

Besides, vape concentrates have other toxic chemicals too like nicotine. After reaching your organs, they can result in other health hazards like–

  • Inflammation in the lungs, liver, bladder, stomach, and breast.
  • Damage to those organs 
  • Cancer

How Does Vaping Cannabis Work In The Body?

How Does Vaping Cannabis Work In The Body

It goes like mouth-lungs-blood-brain. 

When you puff from the vape pen, the smoke goes inside your mouth first and then to the lungs. From there, the THC instantly gets into your bloodstream. 

Being an active component, cannabis flows to your brain through the blood vessels. Then, it starts traveling throughout the body. 

The THC substance moves to your brain and binds to different receptors in your endocannabinoid system. There, the receptors release several mood-changing chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. 

You start feeling different emotions after fewer hits: mostly happy or relaxed.

As the THC is absorbed, the remaining smoke in the lungs goes out. When you exhale, the smoke travels back up to your windpipe. Then, finally, it gets out of your mouth or nose. 

Onset and Lingering Effect

Onset and Lingering Effect

You feel the vaporized THC within seconds to 10 minutes out of the cart. 

This happens fast because large amounts of active compounds are absorbed quickly into the blood. Experts say about 50%

Such a direct process makes you feel the cannabis effect instantly. 

However, the euphoric effects linger pretty long. We mean, you may stay high for around 2 to 3 hours when the THC hits your brain. 

4 Factors Influencing Greening Out

Factors effecting green out hits

Cart Potency

The amount of cannabis potency in the vape cartridge can influence the number of hits needed to green out. 

  • If you want to avoid it– go with lower THC carts.

Distilled Carts

High potency fella. 

Distilled carts are highly refined and pack a strong THC punch. It means the pens have around 70 to 90% of cannabis concentration. 

The issue is that refining may strip away the most natural flavors and beneficial chemicals.

So, the cart will be powerful but not as full of characters. 

Such vape carts are great for those who love to chase a strong high without intense flavor or aroma.

Even just 2-3 big hits can hit hard for beginners. Meanwhile, it may take 4+ hits for seasoned users to cause green-out effects. 

Full-Spectrum Carts

The team players!

Full-spectrum carts retain a wider range of cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant. They work together and give an entourage effect. 

This means all the plant’s natural compounds team up here, giving you a richer experience. 

Such pens may have up to 0.3% THC in the carts. You get full flavors, aroma, and a bit of sensory experience. 

The good news is that they don’t cause greening out. You may feel a bit of effects after 10-20 hits but it shouldn’t bring any negativity. Then again, overdose can lead to greening out. 

Live Resin Carts

The flavor and effect bombs.

Live resin carts have concentrates made of the freshest cannabis plants. You can call them the “farm-to-table” version of the vape carts. 

These pens keep all the plant’s natural aromas and flavors in the carts. So, every puff gives you the true essence of the strain. 

The difference is it has around 60% to 90% of THC. 

Despite having distilled-level cannabis, it doesn’t strip away the flavors or aromas. This is because the fresh, flash-frozen plants preserve both terpenes and THCs. 

But don’t forget. It has high potency!

If you're sensitive, 2-4 hits could get you to your limit. If not, 5-8 hits can lead you to green out. 

Explore more about Cart Vs. Vape!

Your Tolerance Level

Spot your threshold. 

Your THC tolerance can determine how many hits of a cart can cause greening out. The use frequency can push the limit to a big extent. 

Vaper Type

THC Potency 

Hits To Green Out 


Low (0-10%)

3-5+ hits

Moderate (10-20%)

2-4+ hits

High (20%+)

2+ hits

Light/Occasional vapers

Low (0-10%)

4-8+ hits

Moderate (10-20%)

4-6+ hits

High (20%+)

3+ hits

Heavy vapers

Low (0-10%)

7-20+ hits

Moderate (10-20%)

5-9+ hits

High (20%+)

4+ hits

We suggest starting with a small amount. Then, gradually increase as you understand your tolerance. 

Frequency of Hits

How do you take a drag? 

The hit frequency and inhalation style also influence how much THC gets inside your system. 

  • You take a deep, slow puff. It pushes lots of cannabis into your lungs and hits harder after 2-3+ hits. 
  • You take a quick, shallow puff. The effects won’t be strong enough unless 7+ hits. 

Also, holding your breath longer can let more THC into your bloodstream. This can make the effects work faster and you may green out more quickly. 

If you don’t want the green-out effect–

  • Take smaller, slower hits. Wait 10-15 minutes then take more.

Body Weight and Metabolism

Time to look at yourself now. 

Each vaper metabolizes THC differently based on these things—


Let’s say, you have a lower body weight. In that case, the THC spreads through your system more quickly. You’ll feel the effects faster; even 1-3 hits could cause side effects. 

Higher body weight? 4-6 hits can make you green out.

Metabolic rate

How slow or fast the metabolic rate matters too. 

A slower metabolism means your body processes THC gradually, keeping it in your system longer. Here, 2-3 hits can cause greening out if you aren’t careful. 

For those with quicker metabolism– the THC breaks down pretty fast. Typically, you may have a high tolerance for cannabis in such situations. So, it may take 5-8 hits to feel strong effects.

Body fat percentage

THC is a fat-soluble stuff, so body fat plays a key role. 

Those with high body fat may feel the effects more gradually. It can take 5-7 hits to have green-out signs.

If you have less body fat, the negative effects work pretty fast even if you puff up to 2-3+ times. 

Why Do Some People Green Out?


Consuming more than what you can tolerate can lead to greening out. This is more prominent if you take over 3 hits of high-potency THC vape carts.

Mixing Substances

Blending one devil with the other. 

This means when you vape off the cart with THC and consume other mind-altering substances. These include alcohol. 

It can increase the risk of greening out as it intensifies the effects.

Empty Stomach

Taking hits from the vape cart on an empty stomach amplifies the effect. 

It causes a rapid spike in THC levels in your bloodstream and you start feeling the greening out symptoms. 

Pre-existing Anxiety or Stress

You’re already tensed about something.

This triggers the cannabis to increase the stress level and leads to an overwhelming sensation. Consequently, you green out after a few hits. 

How to Recognize and Recover from Greening Out?


What it feels like



Lightheaded or spinning 

Sit down. Drink water. Breathe steadily. 

Nausea or Vomiting 

Queasy stomach, puke feeling, upset stomach

Hydrate. Have lemon or lime juice. Avoid strong smells/light.

Increased heart rate

Heart racing or palpitations

Sit down. Breathe slowly, Relax. 

Paranoia or anxiety 

Panic attack or unease

Find a quiet spot. Breathe deeply. 

Excessive sweating

Hot, sweaty feeling

Stay cool. Drink water. Take deep breaths. 


Feeling fidgety 

Try to focus on one task. Breathe deeply. 

Mood swings 

Sudden changes in mood and emotions 

Take a break. Breathe. Focus on calming thoughts.


Feeling down, hopeless, and sad

Find a quiet space. Relax. Talk to a friend. 


Easily frustrated or annoyed

Take deep breaths. Find a quiet space. Relax. 


Pain or pressure in the head 

Drink water. Take rest. Consult a doctor for medication. 


Trouble thinking clearly. Feeling disoriented

Stay still. Drink water. Breathe deeply. 

What More To Do If You Green Out?

things to do when you are green out

Stay Calm

Tell yourself it’s okay. 

Take slow, deep breaths through your nose for 4 seconds. Hold it for a second. Then breathe out slowly through your nose. 

This helps calm your nervous system and heartbeat. 


THC can affect the liver!

Your body processes the cannabis through that organ. So, you have to stay hydrated. 

The water helps flush the THC out of your body quickly. 

Drink at least 2-4 liters of water every day. This should reduce the green-out effect. Also, consider herbal tea or fruit-citrus juice. 

Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee or soda as it worsens the effects. 

Find A Comfortable Spot 

Chaotic surroundings make the effects the worst.

Try to look for a comfortable spot–your bed perhaps. Make sure the place is peaceful. It should help you feel more at ease.

Lie down or sit comfortably. Dim the lights. Close the curtains. Create a relaxed atmosphere. Like—

  • Having a scented candle
  • Listening to calming music

Eat Something

Food can help fight the green-out effect. 

It helps settle your stomach and absorbs some of the cannabis chemicals. This eventually reduces the feelings of nausea. 

The fat in food works to make your body break down the THC at a slower rate. This eases the intensity of greening out. 

Grab a light snack that has healthy fats. This can be— crackers, cottage cheese, nuts, or eggs. 

Avoid greasy or heavy foods. Instead, eat fruits or veggies. 

Wait It Out

Just a few hours! 

Most symptoms of greening out go away within 3-4 hours as your body processes THC. We get it feels uncomfortable in the moment. The effects are temporary and will wear off eventually. 

  • Try to take a nap or watch a calming show to pass the time. 
  • Get some fresh air. 
  • Have some peppermint or ginger tea. 

If the green-out effect lingers more than a day, talk to a doctor right away. They’ll give you better advice. 

Managing Your Hits to Avoid Greening Out

Start Small

When trying a new vape cart, start with just one small hit for 3-4 seconds. Wait at least 15 minutes. Then puff again. Always avoid overdose. 

Then again, how many hits do you take off a cart?

It’s better to take around 3-4 hits of a cart daily.  

Pick Strains Wisely 

Try a strain with an equal ratio of THC and CBD. It offers a balanced effect that won’t overwhelm you. 

Understand Your Cart Potency

Know how much your body can take. 

The moment you feel a little bad, stop taking puffs instantly. Count the number of hits you took from the cart before the green-out showed up. That’s your tolerance level. 

It should be after 2-3 hits if you’re new or 4-7 hits if you’re a heavy vaper. 


Keep a journal of your cannabis experiences. 

Record— how many hits you take, cannabis strain, concentration, and your feelings afterward. 

Research and Review 

Have a thorough research about the different strains and products. 

Always review and understand the specifics of the cart. 

Hydrate and Snack Up

Always drink lots of water. Also don’t consume cannabis on an empty stomach. 

How Many Hits Of A Cart To Green Out: Important Reddit Thread

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long should you hit a cart for?

Hit a cart for 3-4 seconds, then wait for at least 15 minutes before taking a puff again. Draws should be slow and gentle. This helps you enjoy staying high while avoiding greening out. 

How many vape hits equal a joint?

About 10-15 vape hits from a THC-concentrate cart can give a similar effect to smoking one joint. However, it depends on the cannabis potency, vaporizer efficiency, and individual tolerance level. 

How long does greening out last?

A couple of hours. Greening out may last 3-4 minutes to 3-4 few hours. The highest it can linger is about 24 hours. So, the effects should wear off within a day. 

If it doesn’t consult a doctor and call for help. 

How long does it take for a cart to run out?

2-4 weeks. A 0.5mL vape cart gives you roughly 50 three-second hits before becoming depleted. A vaper who hits 2-3 times daily could make it last stretching up to around 2-3 weeks. 

How many hits are in a 1-gram cart?

Approximately 100 hits. If a 0.5-gram cart provides 50 three-second hits, then a 1-gram cart equals 100 three-second hits. 

How many vape hits equal a cigarette

Around 12 vape puffs. On average, you get around 10-15 vape hits that equal one cigarette stick. This depends on the puff length, vape power, and nicotine level. 

How many hits does a 1-gram disposable have

150-300 hits. If you’re a regular vaper, a 1-gram disposable vape cart can provide around 150-300 hits. This depends on the inhalation technique, device, concentration consistency, and tolerance. 

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